99 Cent Only Stores
1481 North La Cadena Drive
Colton, CA (California) 92324-2301
Colton, CA (California) 92324-2301
Business Details
33 years Since 1982
(561) 345-7965 (Primary Phone)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Beverages, Books, Canned Goods, Cds, Cleaning Equipment & Supplies, Cleaning Supplies, Clothing, Coffee & Tea, Condiments, Dairy, Dry Goods, Food & Beverage, General Merchandise, Gifts, Health & Beauty Aids, Home &, Apparel, Bookstore, Certificate Of Deposit, Cleaning Products, Cleaning Systems, Compact Discs, Cookware, Culinary, Drinks, Food, Garments, Giftware, Household Goods, Janitorial Supplies, Kitchen Accessories, Notions, Paper Products, Smallwares |
Services: | Books, Gifts, Snacks |
Service Features: | Weekends |
Specialties: | Books, Cds, Clothing, Condiments, Dairy, Gifts |
Location Features & Amenities: | Beverages, Clothing, Food & Beverage, Housewares, Snacks, Apparel, Drinks, Refreshments |
Special Considerations: | Paper Products, Weekends |
Special Hours: | Weekends |
General Content: | 073690Attr:grocery, Discount Stores & Outlets, Household Products, Gifts |
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Discount Stores & Outlets
- Discount Department Stores > Discount Stores
- Department Stores > Discount Stores
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