Mountain Mike's Pizza
111 South Maag Avenue
Oakdale, CA (California) 95361-7604
Oakdale, CA (California) 95361-7604
Business Details
18 years Since 1997
Bill Bryant (Owner)
(209) 847-1025 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Atm, Cheese Sticks, Eat In, Ensalada, Finger Foods, Hors D'oeuvres, Insalata, Java, Main Courses, Pizza Pie, Pop, Snacks, Soft Drinks, Starters |
Product Features: | Italian, Italian Food, Italian Restaurant |
Services: | Appetizers, Dinner, Fundraisers, Lunch, Pizza, Take Out, Carry Out, Hors D'oeuvres, Luncheon, Pick Up, Supper, Take Home, To Go |
Service Features: | Dine In, Dinner, Take Out, Eat In |
Brands: | Atm |
Specialties: | Fundraisers, Benefits, Charity Events |
Location Features & Amenities: | Casual Dining, Coffee, Dine In, Dinner, Lunch, Sodas, Take Out, Carry Out, Dine Out, Eat In, Pick Up, Seating, Sit Down, Take Home, To Go |
Groups Served: | Fundraisers |
Ordering Methods: | Order Online, Take Out, Buy Online, Internet Order, Internet Shopping, Online Ordering, Online Orders, Order By Internet, Shop Online, Web Order, Web Store |
General Content: | Order On-Line, 195320Attr:delivery, Buffet, Online Ordering, Pizza Restaurants, Family Restaurant, Pizzeria |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 1M - 2M |
Employee Size Range: | 20-49 |
Franchise/Chain: | Branch |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Delivery: | Delivery Available |
Additional Categories
Mountain Mike's Pizza is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Pizza Restaurants
- Limited-Service Restaurants > Pizza Restaurants
- Eating Places > Pizza Restaurants
Related Categories in Oakdale, CA
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