Preferred Plumbing
80 Airport Boulevard Suite 103
Freedom, CA (California) 95019-2951
Freedom, CA (California) 95019-2951
Business Details
29 years Since 1986
Jeff Rodriguez (Owner)
(831) 761-0640 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Services: | Repairs & Maintenance, Fixing, Restoration |
Special Hours: | Appointments Accepted |
Professionals on Staff: | Plumbing Contractors |
Credit Rating: | Excellent |
Sales Volume: | 2M - 5M |
Employee Size Range: | 10-19 |
Franchise/Chain: | Headquarters |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
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Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Plumbing Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating, And Air-Conditioning Contractors > Plumbing Contractors
- Plumbing, Heating And Air Conditioning > Plumbing Contractors
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