Campus Circle Inc.
4201 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 507
Los Angeles, CA (California) 90010-3606
Los Angeles, CA (California) 90010-3606
Business Details
10 years Since 2005
Sean Bello (Owner)
(323) 939-8656 (Fax)
Payment Method: |
Products: | Signs, Books, Football, Photography, Calendars, Videos, Newsletters, Film, Web Hosting, Coupons |
Product Features: | Calendars, Football, Local, Photography |
Services: | Books, Email, Photography |
Service Features: | Coupons, Football, Local |
Specialties: | Books, Collegiate Marketing, Coupons, Email, Event Marketing, Film, Football, Graphic Design, Local, Publishing, School Advertising, Signs, Sports Marketing, Time & Temperature Advertising, Videos |
Programs Offered: | Football, Graphic Design, Photography |
Location Features & Amenities: | Football |
Industry Type: | Local |
Special Hours: | Local |
General Content: | Coupons, Local |
Credit Rating: | Very Good |
Sales Volume: | 500K |
Employee Size Range: | 1-4 |
Franchise/Chain: | Standalone |
Number of PC's: | 2-9 |
Square Footage: | 2500-9999 |
Fortune 500: | No |
Additional Categories
Campus Circle Inc. is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Advertising Agencies & Counselors
- Newspapers Manufacturers
- Newspaper Publishers
- Advertising Agencies > Advertising Services > Advertising Consultants
- Newspapers: Publishing, Or Publishing And Printing
- Advertising Agencies
Related Categories in Los Angeles, CA
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