Byars Hickey&Hall Pllc Attorneys At Law
401 Lexington Avenue
Fort Smith, AR (Arkansas) 72901-4638
Fort Smith, AR (Arkansas) 72901-4638
Business Details
Michael Lafrenciere
Payment Method: |
Services: | Personal Injury, Auto Accidents 18 Wheeler Accidents, - Wrongful Death, - Dangerous Products, - Worker's Comp., Divorce/custody, - Contested Custody Disputes, - Dhs Cases, - Paternity, Probate, - Wills/trusts, - Guardianship, - Will Contests, Business & Employment, - Business Litigation Employment Discrimination, - Sexual Harassment, - Wage & Hour Disputes Whistle Blower Protection, - Bankruptcy, Criminal Defense, - Federal & State Cases, - Dwi, - Drug Offenses, - Felonies -Federal & State, Civil Rights, - Employer Mis |
Payment Mode: | - Worker's Comp. |
Certifications: | - Worker's Comp. |
General Content: | Aggressive Trial Attorneys Proven Results, Areas Of Practice, Se Habla Espanol, 021021Attr:personal Injury, Attorneys, Divorce, Family Law |
Languages Spoken: | Spanish |
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- Attorneys
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- Legal Services