8745 Glacier Highway Suite 103
Juneau, AK (Alaska) 99801-8089
Juneau, AK (Alaska) 99801-8089
Business Details
27 years Since 1988
Payment Method: |
Products: | Accessories, Accounting Systems, Addressing Systems, Albums, Audio / Visual Equipment, Bags & Cases, Batteries, Binders, Binding Systems, Bookcases, Books & Magazines, Boxes, Breakroom Supplies, Briefcases, Cabinets, Calculators, Calendars, Cards, Carts & Stands, Cash Registers, Chairs, Computer Paper, Computers & Computer Supplies, Containers, Copier Supplies, Desks, Desktops, Digital Cameras, Digital Systems, Drafting Supplies, Envelopes, Ergonomic Supplies, Fax Machines, File Cabinets, Filing Systems & Supplies, Flat-Panel Monitors, Folders, Gps, Home Electronics, Hubs, In-Car Navigation, Index Tabs, Ink Cartridges Toner & Ribbons, Invitations, Journals, Keyboards, Labelers & Tabbers, Labels & Tags, Laminating Equipment, Lamps & Lighting, Laptops / Notebooks, Laser Supplies, Mailing & Postage Equipment, Maps, Mats & Rugs, Memory Cards, Mice, Microphones, Mp3 Players, Navigation, Network Cards & Cables, Packing Supplies, Pdas / Handhelds, Pnds, Point & Shoot Cameras, Portable Audio, Portable Cd Players, Printers & Scanners, Scales, School Supplies, Shelving & Shelving Systems, Shipping & Packaging Supplies, Shredders, Stamps & Seals, Staplers & Nailers, Storage Cabinets, Storage Supplies, Storage Systems, Tables, Telephone Systems & Equipment, Time Clocks & Timing Devices, Transcription & Dictation Equipment, Web Cameras, Workstations, Attendance Systems, Binding Equipment, Binding Machines, Bond Paper, Bookshelves, Computer Products, Copier Paper, Document Shredder, Fax Paper, Global Positioning Systems, Ink Jet Paper, Laser Paper, Lcds, Mics, Office Paper, Picture Cards, Portable Navigation Devices, Portable Sound, Portables, Printer Paper, Seating, Stapling Equipment, Workspace |
Services: | Copy Center |
Brands: | Hewlett Packard |
Models: | Cyber-Shot, Easyshare, Go, Pavilion, Photosmart, Powershot, Roadmate, Stylus, Zune, Cybershot |
Industry Type: | Retail |
Ordering Methods: | Order By Catalog, Order By Phone, Order Online, Catalog Orders, Online Orders, Phone Orders, Telephone Orders, Web Orders |
Additional Categories
Officemax is also listed under the following categories:
Standard Yellow Pages Heading (SYPH) Categories:
- Office Equipment & Supplies Retail
- Office Supplies And Stationery Stores
- Stationery Stores > Bookbinders & Covers > Office Equipment & Supplies
Related Categories in Juneau, AK
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